GIS expert for assets management
GIS solutions for assets management through their entire “life cycle” – before acquisition, after acquisition and before selling.

You are:
You are business owner or manager of a small team. You are working in dynamic business environment with a lot of operational tasks. You need to acquire new assets or improve management of already available assets. It is import to make your business more resistant to external and internal risk factors (such as economic crisis, leaving of key personal, losing important operational information etc.).
Your challenges:
Your biggest challenges are related to: how to choose of most suitable asset option, how to maintain up-to-date register of all assets that you operate with (networks, facilities, land, vehicles etc.). In most of the cases you don’t know how to find particular asset, you are guessing about its condition, or you need competences of a particular employee in order to get key information. All of this is distracting you from your clients and it is becoming more and more challenging to offer the best products and services on the market (due to lack of time, people, etc.).

Your needs:
You most probably need working methodologies for asset management through their entire “life cycle” – before acquisition, after acquisition and before selling. You need non biased evaluation of potential opportunities for asset purchasing, that will prevent you from losing money or take unexpected risks. You need of geographic information system with consolidated information about your assets, their type, location, condition, repairs, age, documents and many other indicators. In this case you will be able to manage your entire network of assets without depending on particular employee.
We helped with GIS and research to one most popular tourist gits organization in Sofia.
We assisted to small NGOs in monitoring of trees in 6 key parks in Sofia.
30+ projects
in the field of strategic planning and urban planning for the past 3 years
Full Legal Capacity for Design
in urban planning, issued by Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria
GIS Award
for implementation of GIS technologies, issued by ESRI Bulgaria Inc.